The highlight of our year!
Dozens of children and their parents eagerly await our bi-annual Shabbaton.
Hosted in beautiful handicapped accessible hotels, our exclusive program is carefully created to cater to our special children. From exciting games and arts n crafts, giveaways, and surprises; to the warm and deliciously catered meals, Abilities Shabbatons are built to create a truly magical 72 hour experience.
Our skilled nurses and EMTs are always on call to ensure the constant safety of all the children. Our dedicated staff of counselors, rotators, waitresses, and group leaders dedicate themselves to give every child an experience of a lifetime.
Most importantly, every Shabbaton provides 3 days of respite for our families FOR ABSOLUTELY NO COST. Every aspect of the retreat- wheelchair accessible vans, special food, nursing staff and equipment- are sponsored by our generous donors- because for these families, the costs of covering their children’s medical needs is staggering; and they can deserve to get the break they need without worrying about the cost.