May 3-5


Excitement was mounting for weeks as we geared up for our second Shabbaton in Oppenheimer’s Hotel, in Fleishmanns, NY.

On Friday afternoon we welcomed vans with children from Boro Park, Monsey, Lakewood, Williamsburg, and Flatbush.

After settling in and claiming our exclusive Shabbaton Lanyards and nametags, everyone enjoyed a delicious erev Shabbos oneg.

Following oneg everyone split into their divisions for group activities. Custom keychains, crayon canvas art, and sand art necklaces were made and cherished by all.

Our photographer made rounds taking gorgeous erev Shabbos pictures of children and staff.

Shabbos began with a beautiful outdoors Kabbalos Shabbos overlooking the Catskills Mountains.

The energy was high and the magical atmosphere was tangible during the Friday night seuda. Singing filled the room as dozens of dedicated staff joined in zemiros.

After the seuda we were treated to a special oneg with an inspiring speech by Pessy B, who spoke about her journey living with disabilities and encouraged the children and staff with her optimism and passion.

Our Shabbos day program was filled to the brim with exciting games and activities for our heroic stars. Parachutes, sensory bins, and interactive Bingo and Matching games were just some of the highlights.

As Shabbos ended the feelings of connection and friendship were running strong. A delicious melava malka was served, and we held on to each moment together.

As the vans pulled out on Sunday morning, those privileged to join this magical experience left stocked with memories, strength, and empowerment.